Acting as
ON ACTORS & ACTING - by G.L. Horton
VG wrote: Acting is therapy, or should be. It's just not sanctioned
as such . . . acting is such a splendid and spiritual
I must protest-- not because I don't wish it were true! I
think the craft of acting leads to the accumulation of emotional
recognition and control that can be put to theraputic uses.
But it ain't necessarily so put. Actors generally are pleasant
people. The combination of ready empathy and and the ability
to control how they are perceived makes them (us) good company.
It-- and the hustling necessary to get work-- also makes them
(us) susceptible to certain spiritual ills. I don't have to
point these out, do I? We've all worked with egomanical shits,
and you hear about the breakdowns all the time, in gossip columns
and on the obituary page. (4/26/99)
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