Essays on
Women's Issues
by G.L. Horton
G.L. Horton's newest essays are now being posted on her stageblog.
Safer than Delivery
I believe that in terms of the woman's health, all abortions are
safer than delivery, statistically. Removal of a developed fetus
is no more dangerous than removal of a benign cyst or tumor.
Wars II?
If Bush gets a 2nd anti-abortion justice into the Supreme Court,
maybe this play will get drafted into Abortion Wars II. I'm happy
to donate it to anyone who wants to use it for ammunition.
Modern Playwright Poll
The wrote: Enter your vote today! Who
is your favorite modern playwright? And GLH asks: Whose
brilliant idea was it to publish a list of nominees without a
single woman on it?
2006 Theatre Season Bare of Women
Have women decided to be silent and let men choose our stories,
speak for us, cast and direct us, critique us? Have we forgotten
so soon?
Play Contest Winners Are Mostly Menor Women
Some women as well as most men are convinced that male characters
and themes and "issues" are more dramatic, important,
better. It only takes one person who dislikes plays about or by
women on each round of readers to screen out all but a few females
by the final round. The report on Women In Theatre from NYC a
year ago...
Impact of Motherhood on Artistic POV
There are far fewer parents in the theatre than in the general
population. Plays that emerge from this process often present
the older generation satirically or two-dimensionally, and are
harshly judgmental toward the parent's failings...
Forms Not For Women...
SW writes: "What would you consider the art forms where
women are not permitted to practice?" GLH replies: Noh,
epic poetry, bagpipes.... In Classical Greek and Elizabethan theatre,
acting and playwrighting. Seriously, most cultures have assigned
certain arts to each gender...
& Motherhood
Anonymous writes: "I am thinking of having one child,
but I keep postponing. I have heard writers say that you cannot
write at all for the first year of motherhood." GLH replies:
Some can, some can't. Alice Walker says have only one, however.
More is more than mortal flesh can cope with and do art, too.
Then as a playwright you are in a better position than a novelist...
CG asks: "Do you really think that lesbians have been
invisible in the culture for thousands of years because we are
too lazy/ ignorant/ disinterested /uninteresting/ untalented to
be produced???" GLH replies: Do you distinguish between
art that has overtly lesbian subject matter and art by lesbian
Miller's Crucible
Miller makes preadolescent Abigail a temptress ... This indeed
has a "universal" quality-- it's like blaming Helen for the Trojan
War, Eve for the Fall-- and so it passed unremarked at the premiere.
The fifties were big on blaming women for social ills and male
Don't forget history: some 20 years ago the women writers at the
New York Times banded together and vociferously pointed
out the gross male bias there -- for instance, that 70% of book
readers and 55% of book writers are female, yet the Times
reviewed 2-3 books by men for every one by a woman, and less than
10% of their regular book reviewers (and none of the theatre critics)
were female...
See also other G.L. Horton essays on . . . actors
& acting . . . criticism . . .
literature . . . miscellaneous
. . . modern plays . . .
political commentary . . . Shakespeare
. . . women's issues . . .
writing & directing & producing