Naomi Wallace
ON MODERN PLAYS - by G.L. Horton
WB wrote on the humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare list: I
discovered Naomi Wallace. She's incredible. After writing her
first play, which received major awards---she was selected for
the MacArthur "genius" grant! From Kentucky, she's unrecognized
by her own country and is based in England where she has a following.
"Unrecognized" is a little too strong: perhaps "unrewarded"
or "unsupported"? Her "One Flea Spare" was published in American
Theatre mag, and has had 2 productions here in the Boston area.
The American Repertory Theatre did a thrilling production of
her "Slaughter City" a few seasons back. True, it was in their
small theatre, not mainstage, and was directed by an Englishman,
Ron Daniels, who had directed it "over there" beforehand......
England supports playwrights, not least with BBC commissions
for radio and TV. England also has a living tradition of poetic
and political plays, taboo here unless they have been successful
in England first. Wallace is a poetic socialist.
There are reviews of both productions on MY web page. Enthusiastic
Recently, 12 theatres in the Atlanta area had a festival for
her and performed her works at the same time.
That sounds like recognition to me! Jeeze, it sounds like going
to heaven without being required to die first! (1/16/02)
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