I'm doing a little dance of happiness around my study after
hearing this!
This is why I spend hours and $$$ maintaining my web site.
I would gladly have sent her-- and all her classmates-- or
anybody else-- the entire play via email, if they request
it supplying their names and address or school to protect
my copyright. It is my dearest wish that one-- or more-- of
these young people will get together and do a production.
Or even just a reading!! It is so frustrating for me to know
that there is a serious lack of scripts with good roles for
young women and to have made this script freely available,
yet have the only school productions of it be done outside
the US. I understand why an institution might hesitate to
stir up a hornet's nest-- but even high schools have mustered
the courage to produce "The Laramie Project". I
feel the political urgency so intensely! Woman's most basic
claim to self-government, control of her own body, is indeed
"Under Siege",
right now, yet in the midst of the other attacks on civil
liberties it has dropped beneath the radar--- except for the
Pro Life community, which is on the march again and smells
Women's issues and opinions generally are disappearing from
the public discourse, as is usual in war time, but behind
the scenes anti-feminist forces are hard at work. Mississippi
is down to ONE abortion provider--- women drive hours to get
there, and sleep in their cars during the mandatory waiting
period. Pharmacists refuse to fill prescriptions for birth
control. Bush has promised to appoint justices who will overturn
Roe v Wade, and at any moment he may have the opportunity--
perhaps several opportunities-- to do so. Young women in high
school and college now have no visceral knowledge of what
it is like to live in a society where abortion and birth control
are illegal, and female sexuality laden with fear and blame
and shame. Their own mothers had these rights, and they can
at least be reasonably certain that their own births were
wanted, and an occasion of joy.
I want to stand up in a crowded college theatre and shout
"Fire! Your freedom is smoldering, the fuse is lit....."